Shirley's Grand Adventure

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We just received confirmation that surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. It was initially scheduled for Wednesday and we were under that assumption until this morning. When Brianna arrived just in time for morning rounds (when the Docs meet and discuss the care for each patient, at bedside, in the CICU). They related to her that it may work best for the surgical schedule if Shirley's surgery was moved from Wednesday to Tuesday. It is crazy how fast things can change. That was this morning at 8am, it was confirmed around 4:30pm. Often one or two days before surgery, a large group of cardiologist, surgeons, and pertinent care providers (usually around 15 docs) meet and discuss the healthcare, condition, and surgical plan for each cardiac patient. By the end of Shirley's conference, they choose a surgeon that will perform the first in a series of repairs that will take place over her lifespan. It is amazing how much time and attention these babies get from some of the brightest minds in the medical community. Also the nursing staff here is phenomenal, in fact every care provider we have come in contact with at UW and Seattle Children's Hospital has been positively outstanding and we couldn't be more thankful.

We will be meeting with the surgeon early in the morning to discuss his plan for her surgery. It is great to get a breakdown from the docs about what their plans are for her care. Almost nothing is done before first discussing it with us. The anesthesiologist came by to discuss his role in the procedure this evening and to ask if we had any questions. Currently, Brianna is soaking up the cuddles while she still can. Our plan for the evening is to eat a good dinner have a nice glass of wine and hit the hay. Tomorrow is a big day and being rested is the number one piece of advice every care provider has given us. We will try.

Please keep us and Shirley in your prayers as there are certainly some tough days ahead.

Until tomorrow... look at this picture of my beautiful wife. She is a champion and I feel so blessed to have her by my side rain or shine!
